Coated Abrasives EKAMANT 120х50 P120 JF cloth

Coated Abrasives JF- cloth (RKJFO) on 120 mm width
Common Characteristics
RKJFO is a general purpose product suitable for a wide range of applications and materials.

RKJFO is an extra flexible J weight cloth backed abrasive highly adaptable to contours, curves and profiles and especially suitable for profile sanding of wood and wooden materials.Very flexible cotton J weight cloth abrasive. Excellent for sanding contours, curves and profiles.Suitable for sanding wood and wooden material.
Other applications include polishing and grinding aluminium.
Technical Data
BaseJF мек плат / JF cloth 
AbrasiveАлуминиев окис / Aluminium Oxide 
StructureОтворена / Open 
LifeМного дълъг / Very Long 
StabilityНиска / Low