Endbelts Wide Belt EKA3001N - 2620х1370 P1000 on paper

Endbelts Abrasives on paper for Calibration Sanding Machines with different sizes.
Common Characteristics
EKA 3001 N

EKA 3001 N is designed for those applications where surface quality is crucial and more important than high stock removal rates. The silicon carbide grit in combination with a pliable E-weight paper contributes to an efficient lacquer sanding operation with fine scratch pattern. EKA 3001 N is further treated with a new improved stearate coat-ing which effectively reduces clogging problems and contributes to an improved surface finish. The Antistatex® bonding system provides a fully antistatic effect which reduces clogging of the product and minimizes dust load on the sanding surface.
Technical Data
E хартия / E paper 
Силициев карбид / Silicon Carbide 
Полу Oтворена / Semi Open 
Дълъг / Long 
Висока / High 
Отличен продукт за шлайфане на лакови покрития, когато се изисква високо покритие / Excellent product for lacquer sanding when high finish is requested 