Pneumatic Screwdriver S2306-CE 1.0-6.0 Nm

Pistol PRO Slip-clutch Screwdriver S2306-CE
Common Characteristics
The Pistol PRO Slip-clutch Screwdriver S23 slips once you reach the desired torque. They are suitable for soft joints or for use with sheet metal screws, wood screws or self-tapping screws where the torque level may peak temporarily during rundown. Well-balanced for good ergonomics, PRO screwdrivers take productivity to a whole new level. It features trigger and push to start for pistol grips, and lever and push start for straight models.
Technical Data
Torque1-6  Nm
Idle speed1700  min-1
Squaer / grip size1/4" 
Weight0.90  kg