Power source MATRIX X 220 AC/DC

MATRIX X AC/DC’s are high efficiency TIG AC/DC inverter power sources,
Common Characteristics
MATRIX X 220 AC/DC is based on the evolutionary IGBT inverter technology. The TIG current source has high frequency arc ignition. It is equipped with the new and simplified X VISION interface, for full control and monitoring of all welding parameters. Their excellent characteristics, combined with the high technology of digital control, allow perfect stability of the welding arc, ensuring high performance TIG welding in the more complex industrial applications and maintenance. Suitable for TIG welding of all metals, including aluminum and its alloys. It also achieves excellent results in RED welding with basic, rutile and cellulose electrodes.
"Multi-coldTACK" function - provides precise and safe spot welding, minimum amount of energy input through fast, consecutive, cold spot welds. Thanks to the "Perfect-Point" function, "coldTACK" precise positioning of the spot welds is obtained.
Running coldTACK function (RCT) - allows you to take advantage of all the benefits of coldTACK by repeating the coldTACK single point continuously to achieve a cold and perfect weld. Using TIG RCT, the weld is much colder than that achievable with Pulse TIG and is the ideal solution for welding thin materials with very low heat transfer. TIG RCT is a direct current process that is not available in AC welding.

Minimum current, at TIG DC of 1 A, at TIG AC of 3 A;
Intelligent high frequency (HF) ignition, for a faster and more accurate welding arc;
LIFT ARC CURRENT - possibility to set the starting current in "Lift" mode;
Storage of up to 99 welding parameters (JOBS);
BALANCE PLUS – adjustment of the current time (T) and separately of its amplitude (A), while it is of positive or negative polarity. Perfect arc and penetration control and side undercut reduction.
Technical Data
Single phase input 50/60 Hz230  V
Input power @ I2 Max6.5  kVA
Delayed Fuse I2 100%16  A
Power factor / cos ф0.99/0.99 
Efficiency Degree0.80 
Open circuit voltage85  V
Current range1-220  A
Duty cycle at (40°C) 60%180  A
Duty cycle at (40°C) 100%140  A
Duty cycle at (40°C) 30%220  A
StandartsEN 60974-1 • EN 60974-3 • EN 60974-10 
Protection Class23 S  IP
Insulation Class
Dimensions530 x 215 x 410  mm
Weight20  kg

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